Adaptive Report Generation
Ivetaea Boynton
Report generation outputs a single format of size and complexity, regardless of the pool of customers or data. This can work scaling upward, but when using a smaller pool of comments/consumer data, the report can look very sparse.
The existing report type can be called 'intermediate'. It handles everything fairly well with a reasonable sized pool of data.
A 'simple' report format could help to provide focused (and satisfying) data when using smaller amounts of data or less comments than normal engagements.
A 'comprehensive' format could potentially help with engagements on a scale we haven't seen before - additional data or ways to view it may help engagement owners sort through the massive volume of data that comes with thousands or tens of thousands of comments or ratings.
The report generation can check for the number of comments, in a similar fashion to how it already does. Instead of a simple 'ok' at 50 comments or 'fail' at less, the check can determine which of the three proposed types of reports will be generated based on available data. 15-75 for 'simple' reports, 76-150 for 'intermediate' reports, and 151+ for 'comprehensive' reports (these numbers are only suggestions based on currently available data and may change).
Additionally, a check may be used to determine the number of anonymous comments, which could support a 'value' system. The owner of the engagement could set the value of anonymous comments to 0 (don't count anonymous data), 1 (anonymous is just as welcome as verified user data), or a value in between like 0.25 (anonymous comments only have 1/4 the normal impact on the report that verified users do).
Flint Barrow